No matter what, whether we are talking about people, places or things, if a part or even parts are missing, the ability to function fully is not a possibility; its just not that simple. Life will always bring hell or heaven in a variety ways; those moments or things or the BLAH. It is, however, our ability to adjust the use of those parts that is needed to face the anything and the everything as a whole. Whether on the trail in hell or on the part that is in heaven, we must utilize the grace found in our strengths and weaknesses. We are the perfect people to love, hate, accept or change each of those parts. I am a nightmare and a dream because I am a circle of heavell; so are you whether you are an addict or not. There are times when I may appear to be one more than the other but the real truth is that I am both; you are as well. I have been stronger than I have known possible and weaker than I have imagined I could be; what is on the inside will be expressed on the outside. The shadows will never completely remove the presence of all that has been in the yesterdays nor that which will be in the tomorrows. When you breathe they breathe because they are a part of you; whether you want them or not. All of our parts treat us equally but it is ourselves, as well as others, who only want to perceive of or be seen as some of the pieces; a part or some parts can never equal a whole. What is in your words that you say to yourself as well as to others? When you look in the mirror, you see what? If you are going to sit amongst the weeds, then you must also sit amongst the flowers or vice versa; as well as both of them for others. Come along fallen angels and tell me how you feel about the anything and the everything so that I may know who you are; but more importantly so that you may remember the all of you. Tricks are for drugs, other substances, hell, illusions of perfection, the non-believers, heavenly expectations, the apples and you if your fractured. It matters not what I say but what you do with the knowledge of your whole circle of heavell; anything less wont work because it’s just not that simple.

As Ashlee has said: “Addiction, or even life itself, is like being on a roller coaster that moves with terrifying speed and slowness; that contains climbs as well as falls. There are moments that can make you laugh, cry or feel angry; while others leave you feeling suspended in mid-air. Each day can be the repeat of yesterday or it can bring a new challenge or even the relief that is so desperately needed.” Neither will ever just bring heaven nor will we only be that because without hell, it cannot exist. The perception of either lives within the heart of the beholder of all that has been and felt; those personal emotional definitions. Yesterday will always just be a part of us but we cannot behave today as we did then if we hope to end addiction; whether an addict or not. Happy people do not alter their state of being but unhappy people do every day through the denying, hiding or judging of parts; resulting in the fracturing of ourselves. The key lies not in having heavenly expectations or in being an illusion of perfection or in just existing but in finding beauty no matter where you are; on the inside and on the outside. Get to know all that you are because you will always just be. You are your guide because you are the perfect person to love, hate, accept or change each of those parts; learn from your heavell not mine. Where have you been in your heart? Where will you be today? Yesterday holds the moments, the traumas or the BLAH that became a part of you. Tomorrow holds the hope that you will take the hand of courage as well as that of fear and find both the heaven and the hell of the anything and the everything. It is your parts, seen or not, that have led you to the place that you are in. I’m sorry but you’ve got heavell; whether you want it or not. Hell can never be that far away because it breathes in us as well as life; just as heaven does. I believe in you but its what you do with the knowledge of all of you that determines whether you will find beauty or not; regardless of where you are. Every dream matters as does every nightmare because they are both a part of the angels that fall; as well as everyone else. Who better to speak for you than you? Heaven and hell love all of you equally; you should do the same for yourself. You can make it anywhere; as long as you use nothing but the whole circle.