As hope goes before us, it appears as a place of celebration in the distance, but the magic of it is rooted in the colors that we express from what it does for us along the way. 

It’s a vision of the change that we are attempting to conceptualize as well as feel on the pages of our stories. 

It’s an expression of the need for healing from the grief that competes with happiness for our attention.

It’s a quiet idea of what strength will look like in our reflections in the mirror.

It’s a whispered encouragement that we deserve to invest in ourselves with a bit of this and some of that from our perfectly imperfect art. 

It’s an act of determination to move forward in yet another chance of getting comfortable with unrehearsed moments. 

It’s a breeze that breaks open the clouds of doubt so that we may see beyond them.

It’s a hint of the lightness that our laughter grabs ahold of to express itself.

It’s a reshuffle of the words that flow with warmth that aren’t just visitors in our gardens.

It’s a key that just right is the planting of a whole lot of seeds of trying simply because we don’t know where tomorrow is going.

It’s an observation that we do wish to believe in our former and future selves.          

It’s a gentle embrace that reminds us that no matter what it feels like in a room full of people, we are not alone.

It’s a friend that brings a different response into the familiarity of thoughts and feelings.

It’s a smile that illuminates the point closest to us and then the one after that and so on. 

It’s a touch of kindness that adds color in the time and spaces that have been seen as well as those that have yet to be.

It’s a break from the voices of the dragons that we listen to but still misunderstand what the noise is all about.

It’s a plan that shows the possibilities even when it fades from view on long and weary journeys.

It’s an adjustment of what we have picked up because letting go of yesterday’s parts isn’t always possible.

It’s a simple thing that has no specific details because sometimes we just need to be able to breathe in the place that we are.

It’s a tune that our hearts can hum even when we can’t find the lyrics to make it a complete song.

Whether hope blooms or not, what will never change is that the magic of it lives in the meeting of we the colors, in ways that we have never before known to believe in. 

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

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