While navigating the changes that we want and the ones that have enfolded us despite our hopes, it’s not what’s around our gardens that affects our growth but what gets into our spaces from other grounds that are only able to guess about the kinds of connections that we have within our environment.

Taking in that information from other locations and placing them onto our pages leads to the unintended consequence of losing our own voices and the ability to be there for ourselves during times that are already filled with doubt.

Words hold no power, though, until we give them a haven to reside in and there are far too many moments where we securely place the debris as the only thing that can be observed as if that loud content knows what safety and comfort in our own stories should look like.

But having found its way in doesn’t mean that any of it belongs with us nor that we should embrace the weight of what we were never meant to carry or to be tangled up by it in our own homes.

If we are not on speaking terms with the definitions that exist from our own encounters, it makes it hard to lean into what is for us, which is that in the dark that pain can bring, courage doesn’t impact the outcome but it’s quiet intent is there to support us anyway.

So what do you have to say about the bravery that it has taken to hold on in a land where handling debris and cultivating expansions often doesn’t go as hoped and thorny memories as well as dragons muddy the ability to find your value in those places of your heart?

After all, I can only imagine how that is uniquely being defined for you and you can only envision its different look in my story as I learn to be all right in both the light and the darkness one step and fall at a time.

We are not always going to love our days or our responses to life but we can choose to hold ourselves while we talk through our flow of emotions that often reach beyond even the most colorful of words.

When it comes to garden stuff, there is always an abundance of seeds to try again with that don’t need more positivity to nourish them, just less negativity in the pieces of our memories and the days where it’s harder to feel the courage let alone support ourselves.

Today is a good day to forgive yourself for having survived in whatever way you have needed to and tomorrow will be the right day to do it all over again regardless of the weather.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell  

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