Every twist and turn along our journeys involves some kind of loss but what we focus on are only the negative experiences that funnel our energies towards repeating what we think is wrong about ourselves.

Those emotions that cast shadows don’t stay in the moments in which they were created but instead seamlessly flow throughout all of our pages because our habit is to move on to the next chapter before we have leaned into the presence of how we have been impacted by the prior ones.

Our desire to get to the outside of the vulnerabilities that we are in the midst of makes us skip allowing space for those contradictions and yet the consequence of avoiding dealing with that fear and pain is that we never nurture those connections nor grow our knowledge to help ourselves with our future suffering.

A gloomy belief system defines our losses as being things that are missing from us as well as what we have failed at and with those types of ideas stacked up against us, its hard to recognize that balancing the marks of learning along with what goes as planned is a part of the abstractness of works of art.   

We can’t feel better when we disappear into the limiting identities of the hurt that wraps itself around us and gives the impression that the tomorrows will be a repeat of what we already know despite our hope.   

We also can’t let go of or move on from what doesn’t make sense in our stories so finding any sort of sliver of light for those stormy pieces may have to merely encompass validating how those encounters have felt on the inside.              

Our goals should not be to separate ourselves from those previous movements but for us to now show up to conclude them in such a way that we transform the impact of the past as well as how we are available and bring safety for ourselves into the tomorrows.

Every moment is our moment to embrace the opposing information that is available to us and stepping back allows for us to find forgiveness for not having the retrospection in the past that we are slowly working to develop in our present place of being.

It’s never solely about the weeds though because despite their always being a part of the scene, they can nourish flowers once we guide our energy towards recognizing what else can grow within the spaces of losses.      

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell