We spend a lot of our moments trying to argue our pain away through the people, places and things that surround us because we don’t really know how to be happy along side the sorrow that also lives within the very environments of our own hearts and minds.

Regardless of how many yesterdays have gone by or how safe we feel because the weather is perfect, there are many times when our thoughts aren’t enough to hold back those details that treat us as if we are still traveling in those events.  

Even stacking other parts to our stories hasn’t allowed us to walk elsewhere from what we are use to breathing in and although we certainly want to reject that noise, it has a way of presenting itself as a constant companion that refuses to be ignored.

Pain is, at some point, something that occurs for all of us however not everyone seems to be as contained by it as others are and we chase the wrong things because we think that it has to look a certain way in order for us to be able to live with it.

Darkness, after all, is the kind of ecosystem whose output keeps on giving by making it surprisingly possible for us to feel completely empty as well as overwhelmingly full without providing the evidence of it’s existence for anyone other than ourselves to take notice of it.

We already know how to exist within it’s embrace, though, as that’s what we have been doing all along but we haven’t been returning the hug as it feels weak for us to acknowledge that the weeds on our trails have left marks on us.

Just because we have had the colors and the words to express our pain, it doesn’t mean that we have to keep using them in the same manner because the nutrients from those tears can expand the little known blooms of understanding that wouldn’t otherwise develop without them.     

How would our perspective about sorrow change, if we knew that healing isn’t about letting go of those stains but rather about releasing how their former definitions have had us devaluing who we are simply as the results of not knowing what to do with the hurt?

It’s about time that we start realizing that some of the light of happiness is in how we choose to be available for the darkness to flow in and out of us as easily as we are willing to twist to reach flowers.    

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you because that is enough. Love Always, Heavell

(Artwork courtesy of the wonderful Lily! Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us!)

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