There’s always going to be another moment, one more unwanted feeling and the kind of storms that pull us back around to the spots where our words express the familiar fear that we are unsuitable for the journeys that require us to believe in our possibilities while the marks of the yesterdays still have a voice within us.

The implications of that nostalgia is that our movements have been out of place, and yet we can’t help but turn to those prior embodied experiences as a default for navigating what is unforeseeable in the tomorrows.

We are aware that things need to shift and we want them to however our relationship with the looping negativity in our stories has gotten us this far and envisioning letting go of the bond that we have with those emotions is as distressing as our knowing that those feels hurt and keep us stuck.

We are use to the idea that the achievement of certain things is where happiness can be found but its actually the accumulation of every one of our moves in discovering what helps and what doesn’t that gives us something to write about, not the items that will eventually fade anyways.

If our weather makes it seem as if light and warmth are not possible on some or even a lot of our days, then it is our locked in one-sided summary that needs to be redefined rather than feeling bad about or burying or letting go of the emotions that give life to who we are.

By allowing the changing of our colors and definitions to collaborate with the ups and downs of our flow, we show up for the fluctuations instead of being held captive by its energy but it takes practice as our need to find what we imagine restricts our ability to notice the different kinds of possibilities that surround us.

Hidden in plain sight in each of us is the ability to change our choices as many times as we would like as we embrace the weather that we are always suitable for even when we don’t trust that we are.

So if today isn’t your day, know that every moment can be a different hue and words can be expanded as we loop around or experience something new in our epic tales that are infinitely defined by spots of love, grief, fear and happiness.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell