When grief overplays its part in our stories, not wanting to be where we are or even who we are can silence our knowledge of the courage that it has taken for us to get to this very moment, especially if our wins get lost in the vagueness of what it means to be brave.

Because sadness has the ability to uniquely paint outside of the lines, it is not always understood by others or even us and by comparing what we believe it encompasses to what we carry, we can end up devaluing our own contact with any kind of achievement.

That communication makes it harder for us to believe in the things that we can’t see, like the growth that is in the process of arriving or the light that continues to shine whether its seen or not.

There is room, then, in between our shrinking moments and the concept of what it means to be strong to acknowledge that we actually live in both places as there are days where our other parts radiate louder than the pain does and ones in which smiling is the courageous shield that we use to keep ourselves going despite how difficult it is for us to breathe.

If we turn around and confirm to ourselves that we have come this far without the proof of that being possible, then we can change the narrative of our darker periods of today or tomorrow by recognizing that we will eventually arrive around the bend despite our inability to envision what that entails.

So, ask yourself this question, “How have I made it through the days that the weather on the inside was positive?” because unbeknownst to you, you have been enduring all along, but you’ve only noticed the moments in which you have felt stuck.

Whatever we are experiencing, it’s all energy and if we use a little kindness, where we are and who we are will allow us to build upon the foundation of yesterday’s words and experiences with the once out of reach knowledge and courage that we have now. 

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell       

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