Between the events of the yesterdays and the change that we are hoping to see in the tomorrows is the process of our moving back and forth from the pain that has captivated us for so long to learning to let go of the ways that we have gotten use to stuffing that sorrow onto our pages. 

When that action moves quickly, its easy to smile while holding the hand of hope but during the days where the poetry of our words and emotions create obstacles, it’s hard for us to believe in our ability to step forward from the darkness in our stories.

Our knowledge, though, of light as well as the lack of it comes from both being present in our lives just as our tears express our awareness of the laughter and the sadness that also coexists within us so transforming what isn’t working on our journeys is really a day by day adjustment of the parameters of what we think the right lighting should look like.

Who we hope to be in the future doesn’t need for us to walk in the perfect manner but instead to practice embracing the duality that we are living by surrounding the storms of our uncertainty with past progress and our fear with the understanding that we have made it to this very moment with courage also accompanying us and both will arrive together in the next one as well.

So if we need somewhere to begin, let’s start by releasing our grasp on the idea that our imperfect in and out dance moves as sometime warriors prevents us from healing and growing in the manner that the noise of our grief has been inviting us to show up for all along.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell      

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