Within our perspective that success will lead to our being happy, we lean into the idea that some of our yesterdays limit our options for today so it is far better for us to bury those feels in the dark then it is for them to continue to have close contact with the light of our hopes for tomorrow.

Our dedication to that course of action seems beneficial as those pieces slip out of sight, but not allowing room for the intertwinement of the grief that appears along our trails grants our various points of sadness the power to become our belief of merely existing in a gloomy life.

We don’t live in the past but we certainly visit with it’s history as it continues to influence us and learning to breathe in those particular spots that have left us gasping for air does not stand for covering them up but instead that we should not tolerate the fear of having been imperfect in those places or the ones that will eventually appear in the unknowns of the future.

The absence of light cannot let go of the darkness that we carry nor can disbelief in ourselves expel the dislike that we feel about our authentic-ness but our hands-on commitment to knowing all of who we are is what will help us to take responsibility for how we feel in the broken-hearted moments as well as just the pretty parts.

Unhappy slices do not have the ability to hold us back but our being unaware that they serve a purpose in our stories and that it takes time to discover what those events have hidden in them certainly does.

The aim isn’t to be happy with the debris but it is to understand how to love ourselves better through the extended teaching process of them while also appreciating the breaks in the storms.     

So go to the various pages where you have assigned the meaning of your feelings and recognize that those younger versions of your definitions were never meant to be the guide for the rest of your life as the emotions from the yesterdays are merely some of the countless things that you can continue to build on to support yourself to a greater degree today.

It has never been about the flowers as the happiness that comes from them will fade in our memories and they are not the correct shelters for us in the weeds because of that ability to decay but being able to be content with ourselves as works of art in progress will always be the right lighting for the different kinds of dragons, darkness and weather that exist along the paths in so very heavell lives.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell       

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