Beyond our minds are our hearts that are filled with the moving emotional energy that is our authenticity and our thoughts believe that if we restrict the vibes of our unwanted feels and subsequently the responses that they generate, it will help us to be happy but in that quest to repress , we are also unknowingly limiting the possibilities of our showing up for ourselves.

Our idea is that by hindering those voices we have some sort of control but those out of tune rhythms continue to have the ability to keep us swaying on the edge where even the smallest gust from our storms can unwrap what we have tried so hard to contain.

Sometimes we are the dragons that hold us captive and the ones who cast the fear-invoking shadows that we see up ahead while in other moments, the debris that we ourselves carry causes us to stumble but we think it’s because the sun isn’t shining on our trails.

We imagine that success is the results of everything being just right but the real truth is that the first step of achievement is in allowing ourselves to experience unhappy feelings and to make mistakes as we slowly navigate the untested pathways on our journeys.

We can’t rush the process and while it may feel like we are repeating what has already been as we try and try again, each time it is ever so slightly different because we have added to ourselves despite the consistency of our glimpses of the yesterdays.

Wandering closer to our emotions and going through them grows the love that we need for ourselves even though our fear of what lurks in the darkness there would have us believe that we are unlovable because of it’s existence or the possibility that it does.            

We can’t do everything at once but what we can start with is changing or interrupting our understanding of the weather in our lives and recognizing that showing up is a shield that is meant for an ordinary day as well as the cloudiest of ones because finding our joy isn’t just about celebrating the flowers.   

So, if we are going to fall, then let’s choose our how and why we do so, so that it is our choice to move and not our reactionary steps to the constant grief and distress that exists around us in the tunes of small things and big items.

Forgiveness is an action word as much as love is and to be successful with each, we have to expand who we are by turning on our lights in the darkness instead of trying to restrict the authenticity that powers those beams.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

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