The space between what we imagine we want and what actually happens is a place that is cloaked in a kind of darkness that moves us around even when we are standing still.

It’s where the obscure grief of our lives reminds us that our souvenirs from the yesterdays do not hold the beauty that we had dreamed of.

That vibe on the inside can then make it difficult to step forward on our paths that still wont promise to hold what we desire.

But hope, like love, is an action word which means that there is more required of us than just experiencing the feeling of it.

Often that entails practicing in order to help ourselves to live differently with the parts of our stories that have already been especially with what has been entangled with weeds.

We are use to the context of our words and how we write them in a black and white manner but we do not have to continue to build our lives around those familiar and yet unwanted items.

Sometimes transforming the small objects brings about a little bit of happiness and by viewing the parts that we do not love in a contrasting manner allows us to see that we are not unlovable regardless of the gloom that has existed.

So by simply coloring those well known terms with a variety of hues provides us with the visualization of how the energy of our feelings actually fluctuates moment to moment despite our belief that they shout the same things about us all day long.

Remember epic tales are not made up of perfect weather or having all the answers but they are about our journeys of meeting ourselves where we are and bringing love as well as forgiveness along for the ride.

Periodically that does mean operating without lights, being drenched by storms and feeling alone in a room full of people but its also how we find the way to give ourselves the flowers that feel like a shelter when the darkness moves us around while we are standing still.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell