There are things that we are attached to that help to keep us bound somewhere in between then and now.

Even when we look forward towards what we dream of our fear of falling makes the familiarity of who we have been a much more comfortable place to hang on to.

Those items that hold our view are the moments that we either have to get past or work through in order to find value in our present selves.

Choosing what we see and feel while being enfolded by the duality of unhappy and happy of each day has always been a choice that we have had the power to develop along our journeys.

Imagine what you would be doing differently if your problem was solved.

How would your reflection in the mirror look to you if that statement were the truth?

What tune would beat in your heart from the relief of no longer having that mess?

Would your smile now radiate like the sun and your embrace feel like being wrapped in a blanket on a cold day?

When we take the time to get a glimpse of what we can look like in the next moment or perhaps tomorrow, its like we are planting seeds of joy that can grow as we go slowly into the process of learning to step ahead.

With each shuffle that we take between the before and the current, we get a little closer to figuring out how to show up for ourselves by expanding our view of how it all flutters within our hearts and then the possibility of transforming it.

We tend to think that growth will lead to happiness but progress actually walks hand in hand with love and that emotion is about the honesty of all the ways that we have experienced our lives not just the pieces that are enjoyable.

Love, like change and forgiveness, is nourished in the way we unfold our stories of weeds, storms, dragons and the blah because landing places will fade in our memories but the affects of the debris on our trails will linger long after we have passed those locations.

Some things can simply be let go of and it will be okay for us but other parts require us to overcome not only what hurts but to do it while not feeling good about ourselves and our surroundings.

We don’t have to like the unhappiness and the grief that flourishes on pathways and in the garden of our hearts but they are a part of our rides that lead to working through our messes to find the treasures that live there as well.

The sun is back but it doesn’t look like what we are use to thinking defines it’s appearance so don’t worry so much about the weather.

That glow can be seen shining in simple and big ways in the form of kind words, tears of laughter and pain, colors, singing out of tune, moving our view and hugs but especially in our continuing to look for help until we find what’s just right for us.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell