Do you believe that someone’s smile can be seen as a beacon in another person’s stormy day even if that individual is in the rain as well?

Do you believe that a song, through its lyrics, notes and tempo, can give voice to the feelings that a variety of people just haven’t quite been able to convey themselves?

Do you believe that black and grey colors can represent a great love despite their normally being viewed as either gloomy or intense?

All of those things require imagination in order to visualize them as something other than what we would typically think of. The same can be said about change and our desire for it because it’s a slow process that we can easily become dissuaded from when we find ourselves feeling and seeing what we are use to because of its familiarity in our lives. It’s a little like wishing for brightness in the tomorrows as we look back down our path staying focused on our marks of distress and darkness while still hoping that some kind of light will find us. How we make sense of the magic of transformation is by understanding that we have to move through what is in the way such as the limited definitions of the words in our stories so that in the times that we can’t trust that our smiles are from happiness, we can still be all right.

Do you believe that each day begins with a blank canvas or an empty page so that we may keep attempting to narrate our kinds of epic tales in better manners as we discover more and more about ourselves?

Do you believe that within the chaos of the items that what we don’t want there are also the parts that hold the proof of growth and possibilities?

Do you believe that seeds will develop roots and perhaps some type of buds depending upon their environment and what we fertilize them with?

Those sentences are merely words that have been placed together in a particular order much like how brush strokes join different hues to impart the visual of an encounter. The power of what they connect to depends upon what rhythm is beating in our hearts and sometimes our reaction will feel really strong as what we are meeting with on the inside is also what we focus upon on the outside. Turn by turn, though, that can be modified by recognizing the things that haven’t been working for us all along even if they have been a comfortable place for us to lay down in.

Do you believe that our needing to change is an indication that we require different ways to nourish ourselves particularly across our emotional experiences?

Do you believe that its achievable to move forward without being uncomfortable on at least some of the areas of our rides?

Do you believe that it is possible to show up and love ourselves even when we don’t like all that we are or have been?     

Too much of anything isn’t good for us because it leads to what sticks, limiting our ability to find all the ways that light actually exists in and around our travels in the darkness as well as encouraging us to think that simple definitions won’t restrict our series of movements as long as we have hope. Curiosity and compassion for ourselves helps us to foster our stories by moving our view on how we approach the change that we need as well as the reshaping that enfolds us whether we want it to or not. In all that glitters, what sticks is not meant to stay because it’s a balancing act as we add and leave behind both the sun and the rain.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell