We like to be happy not just because it feels good but for the reason that it doesn’t require the presence of hope nor the sun in order for its warmth to be felt in our hearts.

Even the memories of our joy from long ago experiences can bring a smile onto our faces well into the tomorrows.

We take exception with our darkness because it’s existence calls for us to integrate those gloomy feelings and that kind of transformative process is laced with dragons and thousands of prickle bushes which isn’t what we dream of.

It would be so much easier if we could hold onto what we want as we walk while casting away from ourselves the unwanted as if they were handfuls of dirt simply tossed into the wind to land anywhere other than where we are.

Along every journey, though, there are always spots that get too much or too little of a variety of things making it hard to cultivate what we desire regardless of goals and that thing called hope that we carry in our tool bags.

Its as if those specific places have unique points of view that don’t take our wishes into consideration as they sing their off-key “f” note songs.

Perhaps its that the definitions and values of those patches have been underrated as we perceive them as being what prevents us from moving forward when really they help us to define the why we want to go a particular way.

Different seeds need individual nourishment as well as certain environments while growing at contrasting rates and weeds are just clumps of un-utilized fertilizer that is meant to feed the blossoms of understanding that we need as we travel along our paths in our so very heavell lives.

Imagine expecting a rainbow to appear without the sunlight and the moisture from the rain working together to create it or if it never showed up unless it was promised it would perfectly touch the land at the beginning and the end of itself.

Or hoping that a tropical plant will thrive in an area where the sun beats down with very few moments of shade and what little wetness that does come struggles to penetrate the hardness of the soil.

Or to anticipate being happy in the moment that we are actually in when our view believes it’s a destination that we have either already left behind or a location somewhere down the trail that we might never get to.

In our stories of love that have typically been written in black and white, the very essence of the idea of change invokes our holding our breath as it reminds us of the gloom that resides within us and the things that appear to be missing from us as well.

So lean in to hear those parts that seem to be the marks in our gardens or the debris found along our journeys as they are waiting to be combined or mixed in as the nutrients that make the forecast for our transformation just right for who we are and what we are working with.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell