Yesterday holds our unified and yet isolating accounts that haven’t felt good nonetheless tomorrow contains the unmarked pages waiting for us to color ourselves differently including the black and gray hues that can represent our favorite pigments.

Yesterday carries our hope that was created from what we have dreamed of but tomorrow we maintain the definition of that inspiring thing by knowing why we want to achieve it.

Yesterday nudges us with the reminder of all of our missteps however tomorrow prompts us to turn around to see that sometimes we have to go back in order to determinedly push forward.

Yesterday grips the moments that we wish with all of our hearts we could change still tomorrow supports transforming what has been into what we now understand better about ourselves as well as others.

Yesterday we believed that we did not belong all the same tomorrow leverages that closed door open so that we may let ourselves into all beneficial connections that help us to go through.

Yesterday the darkness was made up of weeds and pain but tomorrow that gloom will move from the “f” word known as foes to the one recognized as friends.

Yesterday our tunes repeated the beats of the loud voices that we often listened to when we shouldn’t have even so tomorrow we will sing and hear the songs that are kinder to ourselves.

Yesterday we were only able to write in black and white while tomorrow we will imagine other stains that don’t limit our ability to tell the better narratives that are waiting to be told.

Yesterday we blamed the rain for drenching us be that as it may tomorrow our shelters will have fewer holes as we leave space to get to know ourselves more thoughtfully.

Yesterday was concerned with the debris that tripped us up on our trails nevertheless tomorrow will be focused  on our epic tales and the dragons we overcome in small and big ways.

Yesterday was encircled by our holding our breath while smiling yet tomorrow exhaling will prevail in our tears of sorrow as well as our laughter that makes our stomachs hurt.

Yesterday we defined ourselves as being a particular noun at the same time tomorrow we will clasp that part as existing in the process of the practicing that a whole actively does in getting it wrong on the way to acquiring what’s right.

Yesterday was all about the flowers and the goals yet tomorrow positive actions will assist us when the distance between those items feels impossible to navigate.

Yesterday our safety was paper thin nonetheless tomorrow word by word we will trust that we are under the sun even when the storms in our lives block it from our view.

And today we will welcome ourselves home into our stories of love where differing visibilities of happiness and courage mark our canvases as often as the equally important points of disappointment and fear do.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell