Joy is not an item on the outside of ourselves that we need to pursue but rather an emotion on the inside that our techniques in living aren’t always the greatest at recognizing so we have to keep learning all the ways it can be felt in our hearts in order to get comfortable with it.

Cheerfulness can appear as the flowers that others have along their trail but we should never stay focused on one shiny part otherwise our stories will have the same view and feeling no matter our location.

Well-being may be found in working on ourselves however by getting to know who we are slowly and steadily, we add to our story of love instead of seeing ourselves as another project that needs to be fixed when we look in the mirror.

Glee might feel like the tune that is meant to be sung only when everything is all right but it can be the light in the darkness that enables us to dance in our own way.

Contentment like disappointment moves with the fluidity of life and it requires us to balance our knowledge of ourselves as works of art in progress as we add more and more pigments from the emotions that breathe within us as we move through our moments.

Bliss is a single word that is used to describe the perfect state of being and yet it is similar to a bloom in that it relies upon a stem or whole emotional experience as the support in which it’s blossom can develop on.

Delight is as colorful as the rainbows that show up after the storms but the key to part of their beauty is the rain that clears the way for them to be seen and felt.

Jubilation seems like the exclamation point that is placed once a goal has been achieved but without every event that exists between the start and the finish, there wouldn’t be anything to celebrate.

Satisfaction is found in fulfilling a wish nevertheless it will be washed-out if we keep reminding ourselves of all the other things that didn’t go as we had hoped they would.

Felicity begins with the thoughts of how we are going to step towards a dream but when we know why we want it, we will perceive the pieces that don’t work as needing adjustments rather than the proof that we are indeed impossible.

The forecast, after all, for our desired kind of happiness comes across as being a bit magical because we often believe that we are getting nowhere fast but it still shines as the sun does even when its blocked from our perspective and sometimes we just need to sit with ourselves in order to feel its warmth.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you.

Love Always, Heavell