The sense of direction that we have when we start towards a goal will not last all the way to the end because it’s hard to be an unswerving navigator when it’s incredibly easy to become distracted by the view of storms and dragons as well as the hope of finding a short cut to whatever we want. Even our smiles that beam so brightly will dim over time while our words expressing our determination will slowly be hushed as our thoughts grow louder with questions of whether we can locate those supposed flowers that come from nourishing transformation. Those same type of things happen for us when we have a plan to give something up because reworking what we have been used to includes rides through the weeds where we have to discover who we are without those loud, defining objects and parts. That requires us to leave what’s familiar behind and to enthusiastically plunge off of a cliff into a darkness that never guarantees our wishes will come true. Our heart journeys contain the details that have marked us and while we desire the dreamy adventure of blank pages to write on without their influence, that can also be an uncomfortable and scary part of each chapter in our narratives, another dragon of sorts to overcome. This is why it’s rather effortless to step back into the safety of what we have counted on despite not wanting some of what can be found living there or the yearning to move to where there will always be warmth from the sun. If you think about it, though, its kind a funny how change doesn’t feel impossible when it pertains to the things that we decide we will trek anywhere for, no matter how long it takes, and go through anything in order to have it. Maybe we feel that way because goals are often imperfect aspirations that hold a lot of our vulnerability while in the other aim, we walk with our already intimate colors and couple them with whatever polarizes us without much thought of what else will show up along the way. Both positions have objectives so perhaps it’s the emotion and our beliefs that make the former feel like a mirror that reflects what we had hoped to find but didn’t and the panic that we still might not be able to and the latter as the view of passion-filled traveling, where we don’t see what’s missing and our meandering seems purposeful. So, the word of the day is obsession, and the question is how can it now fit into your personal definition of change to move you forward? After all, it may be a prior tool, but you don’t need to leave it behind if it can be used as a shelter today. Thus far, you have actually proven that you are capable of being enfolded by rearrangements, but you’ve done so within your familiar comfort without necessarily noticing it. The journey is about taking what you already hold, adding to it by finding its different truth, and then stepping once again in the direction that you need to go. Remember, notes represent sounds and by placing them together, music is created and by reorganizing those identical notes over and over, millions of songs have been generated that say different things to different people. Your hues and your words are your artistry that, through a series of movements, can also fertilize that very exact same growth within you.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell