There is something that feels so safe for us when we stay in the familiarity of who we are while also dreaming of the goal that we will be able to find ourselves on a different trail where transformation appears to be a warm and enfolding hug. That steady presence is like a shelter that we can retreat into even though we know it leaks in a chance of storms, encourages us to keep our eyes on recognizable views and the weight of it is exhausting. We endure carrying that intimacy with each step because it’s what we know, while attempting to visualize what renovations look like is really a vague concept in our constant and yet still hopeful state. Just the idea of revising ourselves produces anxiety and when our movements turn a yearning into something that we need to do, our thoughts alter that necessity into the verification that we are flawed, making trust in our ability to reshape ourselves show up as a vote of confidence on the impossible page. What we think about change and how it’s defined in our stories determines whether we acknowledge modification as an improbable project each time we pass by on our rides or as one where, eventually, we start adding different things to our seeds of trying to help them bloom. We don’t have to let go of the hand of fear in order to hold the supportive hand of courage because we can move forward while feeling both and know that each nourishes parts of us in different ways in the same manner that wanted and unwanted moments do. In other words, happiness isn’t a life where darkness and weeds are never found but rather the bringing along of a safeguard that prompts us to believe that the sun will greet us again with a hello once the rain moves on. Even blunders are not proof that amendments are out of the question but instead hold the connection that a measurement of discombobulated mistakes have been made during the trial, error and development of the making of a work of art. Remember, it wasn’t even possible to imagine what you would look like in this very moment from a position in the yesterdays, and even with a goal, envisioning yourself in the tomorrows is what is nearly impossible not that you are. Pleasant changes can feel uncomfortable and painful transformations are downright scary but if you can slowly add a word, a note or a color that you feel into its definition to make it your own, that particular dragon will lose its magical powers and bit by bit your walk will take you further than your continuous self could have ever planned or hoped for. Be in your heart journey because the strongest aspect of beauty is its gentle reminder that progress is messy and drawn-out, but every mark of its evolution is the creator of why it’s seen as a vision of loveliness. Where you have been was the best of you at the time, so carry that in a warm and enveloping hug for the reason that change isn’t about letting go of that comfortable black and white version of yourself, however it is about taking your time to expand it.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell