When we believe in something that has been shoved into the shadows, we don’t look for a reason to trust what that voice has to say about us, we just do so without questioning it. However, when it comes to the things that should remind us that we are so very possible, the amount of proof that we carry never seems to be enough to nourish what we need in our hearts. It’s as if we think that what’s credible about ourselves as a whole is the loud vocalizations of a few parts that we never planned for in the first place and the words that should help us navigate that trickiness seem to speak far too softly within us. Perhaps our inability to really hear all of ourselves is why we think that happiness exclusively appears on the sunny and debris-free trails that others travel on. Or how our view implies that smiling faces are an indication that there are only sweet blooms on the inside of those who display them even though we, ourselves, also grin in order to hide what we don’t want to be seen on the outside as well. Is it really possible, then, for us to transform if our focus is on listening to the voices that threw us upon a rollercoaster ride where our own grief guarantees that it will plummet us regardless of the hope that the next time around will be different? We are the stories that contain a lot of details that we shouldn’t always carry with us, but we do so without periodically turning around to see if those unwanted items are ready to be used as tools rather than remain in the limitation of being the items that have been done that can’t be undone. After all, just because a moment or a feeling can’t be reversed, it doesn’t mean that it can’t be reshaped into something that moves us forward. Writing in color allows us to be home and to be safe in a life where what we have believed hasn’t always been what is in our best interest but then again dragons are only invincible when they are speaking their truth from a position in the darkness. Be loud, be kind and always be colorful as you fertilize what you plant in your heart, keep in your mind and say in your epic tale.

Today we are also including Julian Rosen’s video on “Survival” to illuminate what has been written in black and white for far longer than it should have been. Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell