We are the sometime warriors who carry a thing called hope within our hearts. We take it with us as our swords to battle fire-breathing dragons and to cut a path through the weeds that would keep us from the flowers that we desire. We use it as the tissues that we wipe away our invisible tears of pain with and we feel it as a hug that comforts us because of all of the ways that we have lived life. We sing it loudly in our hearts when our voices are only able to speak as a whisper and we use it as a safety bar across our laps as we speed along on our rollercoaster rides. We feel the warmth of it as a familiar smile on the inside when we feel alone in a room full of people and we vocalize it with the words that evoke that each day our intentions are always viable even if the mystical beast known as will power says that we are not. We use it as the light that we need in order to rearrange what’s in the darkness and to view those out of the blue wins that we never even thought could be found along our walks. We use the strength of it to adjust our plans when a chance of storms shows up and when we are just trying to make it one moment at a time. We take it by the hand as we look to see what’s around the bend, and we listen to it as it reminds us that we are at the very least occasionally brave. We embrace its knowledge that if we fall today, we start right here where we are in this moment and not in any of the places that we have already passed through in the yesterdays. We slowly breathe it in when we need a nudge to believe in ourselves and we lean into the potential of it as well as us when we are ready to move again. We are the sometime warriors who live inside of dreams while navigating journeys that are clearly not just about what we hope for but then what grand stories are ever experienced in the neighborhood of easy trails or have flowers that don’t need the kind of love that lives in so many ways in order to bloom?

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell