When it comes to magic, what qualities do you visualize someone must have in order to be defined by that word? Are those features rigid or are they flexible enough to allow flaws within them as well? How, then, do you feel about the fact that every single journey, in order to be authentic, has weeds and the chance of storms regardless of the number of sunny days and flowers along the way? After all, even fabricated superheroes in legendary stories have moments of vulnerability that lead to their making mistakes and feeling bad just like we as sometime warriors do and if they are still considered to be remarkable in their state, why not us in our shape as well. Maybe it’s because we know our histories, having lived our dreaded “f” moments, and that makes it far harder to remember ourselves as being anything other than those blemished parts. We can’t, however, move the plot towards who we want to be if we can’t turn around from what has already been which leaves us feeling like change is some sort of bloom just waiting to be plucked along the trails of others rather than what’s around the bend on our own. Perhaps, though, you are wondering what the word magic has to do with our being able to transform because obviously we can’t simply turn a page or wave a wand in order to find ourselves in a different position. If you think about all the things that can be defined by that term, whether made-up or not, it’s really just another way to describe celebratory feelings or the beauty of ourselves. Every single one of us needs that kind of fame within our hearts to keep us going especially when there is a chance of storms wherever we are. Love will always feel extraordinary on sunny days or as an observer peering through a bush at another path, but the authentic value and the commitment of it is actually found in the dark periods where we need to breathe in our strengths particularly when we are hurting so much in our hearts. I imagine that you have generously left ample space to perceive of and admire what’s wonderful about others, downplaying their flaws, while pushing even the smallest of details of your magic into the shadows in order to make room for your weeds although this is your epic tale and not theirs. That certainly takes effort, a commitment if you will, to do that but when facing any of your specific fire-breathing dragons on your journey, how will that get you beyond the pain and a step closer to being who you hope for? I feel you, though, because sometimes I just want to lay down in my sorrow in life as well. There is a certain amount of comfort in breathing in those rigid features, an authentic-ness of myself, but it’s not all that I am nor are you only found in the polarization of your chaos either. Even seemingly debris-free trails filled with light, and laughter have a chance of storms and if you are going to encounter challenges in your so very heavell life, then do so with the help of some beauty that only you possess and can define in the tool bag that you are going through with. I know that the grief dragon living wherever you are feels enormous in stature and that its loud voice tells you that it is invincible but everything, whether fabricated or not, has a weakness or Achilles heel and defeating it means finding a different truth about it and yourself. In other words, you hold both weeds as well as flowers and the better story of you, the magical one, is where you love yourself in the shape that holds a chance of storms and the ones that have already been a mess and not just when it’s a celebratory day. Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell