A basic concept within many novels is that happiness is living on the far side of the problems that the characters have to go through and realistically if that journey is a long and arduous one, the further away that celebratory place seems not unlike what we experience. The feelings of those personas then translate into the repeating thought of “Are we there yet?” while keeping rhythm with the sound of their steps along the trail which is also completely familiar to us. It’s like when we fall into one of the hundreds of thousands of thorny bushes in our lives and get a glimpse of a what appears to be the perfect path on the other side, just out of our reach, and it’s all we can think about. Those stories also contain solutions to whatever the conflicts are because it’s an actual deep desire within all of us to be able to solve our issues although it’s far easier to put words on pages detailing a remedy then it is when we are actually the ones being enfolded in unwelcoming ways in real life. Of course, those stories would lack depth and desirability without the presence of the fixed as well as the evolving sidekicks, helpers and antagonists that either assist or hinder finding “the key” that holds the power to change the very existence of the characters’ world. In our hearts we feel the same type of strife and needs it’s just that authors use the particulars of mystical creatures or whatever BLAH as the visuals to describe what really is our own seemingly mundane kinds of quests and battles with personal dragons to get to where we believe the sun always shines and there are lots of flowers to be amongst. Every novel though, in order to be authentic, contains terrible weeds and piercing prickles but eventually there are smiles and perhaps even a closing scene where the main characters ride off into the sunset or they step through the door into the place that contentment supposedly exists until the next adventure comes along where they are once again thrown off of a cliff into the darkness and go through the exact same feelings but for different or even similar reasons. In other words, every single time they experience fear, anger, mistakes, doubt, frustration, relief, grins, cheers, etc. while overcoming the problems because there will always be debris and the value of every story comes from all the ways that we actually live not just the moments or places of happiness. How flat and boring would a tale be if every day held just the magic of what we believe is picture perfect or the dream path? Yeah, even if it would feel good for a period of time, I am pretty confident that eventually you would be out looking for dragons to slay because we are made up of a whole series of stories that involve pain and beauty. It’s just that we become polarized about talking to and only writing in some areas of ourselves particularly if it involves the weeds rather than the magic of us. So, as the main character in your epic tale are you the fixed supporter, repeating that same phrase in your mind, or the evolving one who allows you to feel what you feel knowing it’s a part of the process of how life is lived? Or perhaps you are the antagonist who is making finding your particular key harder by implying to yourself that the magic is only on other persona’s trails? More than likely, though, you at various times have been all of those types but depending upon how long your journey has been, doubt is the tool that you are leaning into even while carrying the magic of hope in your heart. Today is a good day to ask yourself which one you feel like and then sit with yourself because it’s where you are, but it’s not the end of the story so move the plot by finding another word to say to yourself. I feel you there because my view has also had to change even when I haven’t been able to step and sometimes that sunny debris-free path does look so appealing but then I remind myself that it is always easier to write a story about someone else or stand on the outside as an observer than it is to be enfolded by all the ways we actually experience life. There’s pain and problems and it’s most certainly not just about the flowers, but it is always epic. Have the best day POSSIBLE for you because the magic is just another way to say the beauty of you. Love Always, Heavell