Grief is a powerful and heart wrenching word that we define as being what we feel from the devastating loss of someone important to us, but the real truth is that kind of misery is always enfolding us in our so very heavell lives not just when a person leaves this world. It breathes in all of the moments that we have fallen, become lost, find fear holding our hand, can’t breathe, want to kick a can as hard as we possibly can, don’t want to do something, want to hide, “flip out” and feel doubt. In other words, our epic tales are filled with a variety of distressing events along our trails as a part of the process, the steps, that our hearts go through in recognizing the losses, the embarrassments, the beauty, the wins and the love. So, ask yourself “How are you in this moment?” and if you find that your heart hurts, add the term grief to a page in a story of love for yourself. After all, love isn’t just about being amongst the flowers or the easy moments but rather our sitting with ourselves and others as we grieve for everything that has been no matter how any of it came to be. Have the best day POSSIBLE for you and always be kind as you look in the mirror and ask yourself “How are you?” as often as you query others. If you or anyone you know needs a reminder that it is all right to not always be all right, there is hope in the lifeline of 988. You can call or text that number or chat at Love Always and big, big Hugs, Heavell

In the words of Poet and Best-selling Author Alexandra Vasiliu:

My darling, be patient with yourself, healing takes time, healing implies kindness, healing means change, becoming is not easy. Be patient with yourself, you are gardening your soul. Some flowers are meant to bloom later.