When epic tales are written, the authors position their imaginative words in such a particular manner that we experience being the bystanders along the journeys of the characters. Those extensive details are directly linked to the quality of the narratives and ultimately to our love or disapproval of them. If a storyline isn’t working as it is being generated, the wordsmith of it will reshape what’s there until it comes together in such a way that the originator believes we as the audience will be able to feel as their personas feel and then support them as they move through not only their physical challenges but also the seemingly real emotional ones. The time it takes for any of those tales to be created is considerable and while they may be only made-up excursions, the use of words is as complicated for those artists as it is for us as we communicate our actual stories within ourselves. As the composer of your epic tale, if your words are at an angle, not saying what you need them to, then it wouldn’t be surprising to find that you don’t love your script, have a dim view of the author of it and because of those thoughts, perceive that cheering for the main character is pointless. Of course, it’s hard not to feel that way as we fall and spend a lot of time in the weeds, but if we utilize that skill that all artists keep on hand in order to aid themselves, we can facilitate the place of hope that will help us to show up for every part of our stories including the ones that we take exception to. So, what is that tool or sword that is powerful enough to get us through on our trails as well as eventually defeat any kind of dragons that we encounter along the way? It is recognizing that the dreaded “f” moments of our lives do not define us as impossible or flawed or irreparably broken but rather that the storyline is not working, and we now need to add to or reshape what’s there in order to take another step. Visualize the difference between believing that you need to be fixed as if there is something wrong with you versus trusting that your tool bag requires augmentation in order for you to move. Which of those word phrases helps you to keep the place of hope breathing within you? Which one encourages you to perceive that you are a work of art in progress not a finished product and that you should keep adding to your repertoire rather than disapprove of you as the author? In other words, feel as you feel because that’s your story, but all success is in part made up of failures that were turned around in the end with the addition of new things. We have to hold all of it in order to become the beauty that only we, as the wordsmiths of our epic tales, can define. Have the best day POSSIBLE for you as you add to the place of hope within you by expanding your words and seeing that the quality of your work is transforming but it takes a considerable amount of time to get there. Love Always, Heavell

We like to provide the perspective of others because there isn’t just one way to arrive at the places that we dream of, and their tools might be exactly what you need to reshape your repertoire. As always, it’s never ever just about the flowers especially in the better stories so be the better story by showing up for all of you. Please take the time to check-out this place of hope where they are building communities with accountability and integrity.
