In any kind of life there is a thin line between failures and successes because positive outcomes rarely exist without some sort of falling along the way and since the value of a win is often based on the amount of “life” you have to give to make something happen, those easy trails would never be the place that sometime warriors would be found on. Even the margin between what we hate, and what we love is narrow because our add-ons make it possible for us to lean in to hear one or the other depending upon the subject, the moment or the place that we find ourselves in. Paradoxically trust balances on a hairline as well because when there has been a failure of it, we want to see remorse and then be able to forgive but while those words are a part of what defines safety, neither action is a guarantee that a cycle won’t be repeated especially when the why is far more complicated than those outward appearances simply imply, and change has never ever been that easy regardless of the presence of hope. On the surface, all of those terms are familiar to us but what actually gives them meaning is the enfolding depths of our personal experiences or the shading effect that has occurred in our lives. The details that we hold are what make our stories epic even if the “mystical creatures” in our tales are addiction or some other behavior or thing that we don’t want, and they can also be what complicates our ability to transform. Our expectations and imagination encourage us to believe that our shading effect should follow some order or shape but even in the show and tell of art, music and epic tales a variety of elements from light to dark are used to project the amount of “life” in a piece. When the details are missing, we are then left with limited views that leave us wondering what else could be there and that difficulty will facilitate our interpreting what we believe those things are although they rarely contain everything that is really there. In other words, we actually live in our “have dones” and if we unearth what’s buried there, we might just find that the out of the blue things that breathe there are the hidden successes that we need. When you pass this way again, because you will and you should, what victory or small thing did you miss because it wasn’t what was expected nor what you believed it should be? How do you feel about it now? It is easy enough to think that success, fondness, healing and safety are straight lines, but the real truth is that they are a series of movements that takes us all over the place while including failure, sometimes repeatedly, on our rides as a part of the amount of “life” we give to make things happen. This is me and in my epic tale I have been a sometime warrior who slayed dragons and hung from cliffs or fell down at times even though in my show and tell those mystical creatures have appeared in the form of a behavior or thought, and it was my feelings that I was hanging on to rather than a perilous ridge. After all, the shading effect in my life has at times made those tasks feel as if they are as powerful as a legendary beasts appear to be until I recognized that it is my words and details that give them life and just like that, I can throw a plot twist in and defeat them with a little unearthing of treasures in the mess. Be loud in your story because it’s what you are going through with but also be kind because even sometime warriors need to feel fondness and hope in the moments that they are in the weeds. Oh hell, use the shading effect to continue your epic story in an unexpected and yet your kind of successful way. Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always Heavell