Side by Side #317
Although we all have goals, none us know what the journeys to get to our desired locations will hold.
There is no way for us to measure the amount of steps that it will take to get there or how many marks will be revisited in our stories from those movements.
We can’t imagine when or if we will get stuck or what it will take for us to liberate ourselves from those weeds in order to begin again.
We can’t be sure that our own dragons won’t cast shadows in the sunny parts to remind us of the comfortableness of the yesterdays and the fear of the unknown living in the tomorrows.
Our views don’t allow us to observe the storms and the blind-spots that will appear along the way in order to dissuade us nor how much time that it will take for us to quiet the energy of the doubt that always accompanies those kinds of challenges.
Our trying won’t promise that we will grow because unlike pain, development expects us to carry on with our struggling as it unconditionally takes every little bit of our efforts to adjust us, without ever making a sound until it is ready to be noticed.
We can’t even say that if we actually knew what it would take to get somewhere different, that our intention would be to still go or that if we did decide to tread, that our steps wouldn’t be slowed by the nagging thoughts of what is waiting for us around the bend.
And yet without any sort of guarantee or clear vision of those uncharted trails, we take hold of hope and aim for the objectives that we believe hold the possibility of our locating the happiness that is capable of helping us to think more of ourselves.
Everything on our journeys, even the missteps, allows us to learn to let our grief live in a manner unlike how it has been defining us and to transform what we say in our stories by recognizing that we don’t always have a problem that needs to be fixed but rather that our view of it needs to be moved.
What we will resemble in our dreamed of destinations isn’t something that shows up when we arrive there because without all of the challenges that we encounter, our location would change but we would appear and feel as we already do in this moment.
It has never been just about the flowers because some days will be hard, others will be good and even more will only be all right but slowly a different person is emerging who has the colors to paint the beauty on the blooms and the weeds that reside side by side as the proof of what we have been and what we are in the process of discovering.
Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell
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