An Ordinary Day #293

An Ordinary Day #293

Its hard to imagine that our collection of stacked items could ever be cause for celebration but then its also challenging to recognize that included within them is the proof that we do know how to do things.

Often what we notice about our weight of the world is the vulnerability of our having been authentic and that particular knowledge repeatedly predicts what will still be regardless of any change of location or hope that we may have.

Our idea of and need for things to be just right implies that we are stuck within a certain capacity because of what has already been and showing up for ourselves is so very difficult when we are surrounded by constant negativity that feels like the reminders of why we shouldn’t.

Even though we may have things memorized about ourselves, it’s good to break apart the layers and ask better questions to deepen our understanding of the potential that also lives within the moments that we don’t want.

So, how have you been dealing with the stress and uncertainty found on even an ordinary day in your life?

Whatever that answer is, its still you trying which in a different but very real truth is a small flower within the weeds of practicing in a so very heavell life.      

How close we are to the dragons that reside in us determines the strength of the feels in those parts and surprisingly, sometimes those mystical beasts are hoping to be rescued by us despite our believing that we are the ones in need of being freed from them.

Words are like seeds that grow in both darkness and light and for every gloomy term that we have written in our stories or muddied color that we have cast upon a canvas, there is also the verification of some sort of an ability hidden inside as well.

Look at it this way, the more secure we feel within ourselves as sometime warriors who are capable of falling down as well as finding the sun on the days that we are the ones casting the shadows, the easier it becomes for us to reshape ourselves as we encounter the untested steps of our journeys in the tomorrows.

Step back and celebrate the contents of the smiles, the tears and the dragons as the colorful evidence that you do know how to do things even on an ordinary day like today.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell  

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Smiles and Tears #292

Smiles and Tears #292

The uneasiness of the yesterdays can be found in the emotions of the powerlessness of today as if the memories of before are slowly permeating through the sheets that have yet to be written on.

It’s as if our details have become muddied by the visual language of our being put together with only the unwanted when really we encompass the highs and the lows of everything that we can do.

That feeling of darkness in our hearts is a part of the reason why we feel disconnected from happiness but just like beauty, joy isn’t solely present in the light nor is being possible exclusive to walks in the sunshine.  

Our colors and words are what wrap us up in our authenticity and when we focus on our weeds, we aren’t leaving room for us to be curious about the sparks of novel movement we’ve had along the way as well.

Our losses imply we never fought to begin with but to get to where we want we have to endure the starts, the restarts and the debris as many times as it takes while strength slowly and quietly trickles through all of it.

Accepting the versions that we have been can replenish what we believe is missing through the understanding that what we do next isn’t about forgetting the yesterdays but it is about forgiving the moments because it is still us within them.

That kindness is what the readers of our narratives notice even when there isn’t a single sentence or hue that directly expresses it and its also why they turn the page with the hope that we as the main characters will eventually discover that magical key as well.

Here’s some flowers for you in the form of the knowledge that you don’t have to fix the smiles and tears that live in your story but you do have to allow love to encircle what’s there which means reshaping your belief that celebrations are for when you are happy.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

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Here’s Some Flowers #291

Here’s Some Flowers #291

Our thoughts repeat the same story over and over while our hearts play the same emotions leaving little room for us to step back and view our narratives as readers instead of as we do as the writers of them.

Authors need all of their somethings to express their journeys, especially the sound of darkness and of course the dragons, but when an account is read, things get colorful through all of the lines not just some of the words.

The truth of each of our stories lives on both sides as well as in the middle and that along with the whole cast of characters that are engaged with our flow affects what passes through or keeps us in the midst of it.

So, how would you introduce yourself in your rendering?

Are you inclined to portray yourself as the villain, the sometime warrior who falls down, the person in need of the sun or are you willing to let the readers figure it out knowing that some will place you in the wrong category while others will move you around as they turn the pages?

What, then, would an outsider take the time to notice because we are always aware of the lows in our stories and yet we can’t seem to remember to value the other kinds of marks on us as well?

We tend to relive our backstories through the same comfortable feels and although we hope to find happiness around each bend, our familiar way of being continues to define our ability to be content on the sheets that are still waiting for us to put ourselves out there without worrying about the weather.

There is a difference between writing and reading a story just as there is a contrast in distracting ourselves from unhappiness and actually being happy.

So here’s some flowers for you.

Black and white portrayals may appear to be the right stuff in what we communicate to ourselves but they don’t allow for the light to shine all around us nor do they help us to discover how we will succeed in our so very colorful worlds.

So give ground to the storms as well as the search for the sun and take time to see yourself in the way a reader would allow you to just be you in each and every feel that happens within your pages.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

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Things Get Colorful #290

Things Get Colorful #290

It has been said that practicing will help us to perfect whatever we are trying to do, making it a permanent part of ourselves.

What if, though, that action just becomes another color that is fastened to our stories without our actually feeling connected to it or better because of it?

In other words, there are many things that have been repeated over the years that have not necessarily been beneficial to us but are now attached to the narratives that we breathe in.

It’s a little like using the common hue of red to reflect love when really we are linked in our hearts to that pigment expressing the way we know the fear and the anger that has also been a part of our journeys.

We can see that familiar association all around us but our disconnect is similar to the belief of the word beauty in which what it describes for one must be what it is for all when in reality what that term embodies is meant to be discovered through each of us individually.

The bigger picture is in having a goal and the feedback that we get from that can affirm that we are heading in the right direction but it can’t fix what’s already at home in our backstories that leaves us feeling stuck as well as impossible.

We need to break down our movement into smaller and more meaningful steps that bridge our inside to what we are doing on the outside so that we may navigate the wave of emotions that threaten to block our wishes from our sight as easily as the gloom can surround and choke out the light.

Turning our faces towards the sun can help support our hopes but taking the time to perceive of the mix of colors and words that are rooted in how we have lived, loved and lost enables us to change our view and then rewrite what has already been into what rebuilds us now.

In the tales of ordinary, sometime warriors, things get colorful through the highs and the lows of our lives and part of the neutral ground between those two polarizing points is in allowing ourselves to continue rehearsing what tears mean to us when we are sad as well as when we are laughing until our stomachs hurt.

After all, it is still us on the inside where the rain is not a stranger nor are dragons but how we know ourselves determines whether we persistently mistake our own flowers for weeds or actually connect to feeling better during the moments when the chaos threatens to keep our little bit of happiness shrouded in darkness.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell  

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