You Came Along #159

You Came Along #159

Something will always grow from the things that happen and what we think, feel and do because of them. Where any of it goes or what it becomes or how long it stays that way is within our abilities to decide and to change in any given moment. The things that have been are always going to be with us so we might as well use them to lift ourselves up rather than be defined by them in ways that continue to hurt. If the words that you say to yourself are a reflection of your hell, then a different truth of those moments or parts is that they also hold beauty. A messy room, substance abuse, impossible and being scared all give the appearance of flaws or weakness and yet strength does not grow from the easy or simple things in life. It can also be said that having strength does not mean there is an absence of fear nor a lack of flaws. The fact and the opinion then is that it is entirely possible for weeds to be transformed into flowers and for dreaded “f” moments, at least in part, to become the stories that make us laugh until our stomachs hurt. When you look in the mirror to see yourself and your kind of life, for everything that you don’t want or even hate, also find what you can accept or even love there. In other words be I’m possible even in the most impossible moments by perceiving of the small things that can help you to be all right in the not all right times. What we breathe in about ourselves or what has been can become so loud on the inside that it takes over the rest of us. Essentially a part or some parts can evolve into a monster that occupies the whole and then takes the remaining pieces, basically victims, on it’s roller coaster ride. No one aspires to be messy, an addict, flawed or to hold the hand of fear but it’s how you came along and a crucial part of the creation of strength. For a moment or just a day, say what needs to be said to yourself and to others. But also be kind because you cannot rise if you do not fall, be brave if you are not scared at some point nor be all that you actually are if you only feed the hell. This is how you came along as the definer of beauty as well as what the weight of the world feels like at your essential position on the circle. Your pain, conflict and hell may be the real truth for you but it is also a green truth in that what grows there and for how long it stays has always been what you facilitate not what others decide for you. After all, you came along as the perfect person to go through in this so very heavell life for you so don’t consent to their view of you; especially if it’s limited. Unless of course you decide to continue to go that way in which case tomorrow might be the place to turn around or wherever that given moment occurs. Oh hell, just grab some tissues and get comfortably uncomfortable because walking on flowers and carrying weeds is exactly the kind of story that sometime warriors live for and we feel in the place that needs us most.

Just A Day #158

Just A Day #158

When we look in a mirror and see our reflection, what we most often notice are the things that appear to be flawed; also known as in need of help. We then alter or hide what we don’t want to be seen but no matter what we do, our memories of what we saw and felt will remain with us. The same can also be said of the parts and or the moments in our lives that have seemed to be painful and weak. If our view continues to be only of what we felt and saw in the yesterdays, then today and tomorrow will be a repeat of those mostly impossible experiences because of those previous memories. That perception is in part a facilitator of the belief that we are either struggling or striving despite the fact and the opinion that those expressions are synonymous with each other while not feeling that way. It also holds the distinction of whether we continually breathe in the messes or recognize that a reflection, an appearance, a part or even a moment is not the definer of us as a whole. In other words, that place and those memories that live on the inside influence our being all right in just a day as well as in the future ones. When we raise a little hell, we change the power of what hurts and it’s repeated effect by discovering the view that is just beyond what is in front of us; also known as the different truths for the things that we already believe. If you turn around, what has been will always be a part of you but the meaning of it today has without exception been within your ability to change or rather to expand it. What if for just a day you were to see your image not as one that needs to be concealed but rather as an expression of I’m possible because of all that it holds? After all, in this kind of life what is hidden will always find a way to be illuminated so you might as well use it to lift yourself up. This is you and this is also me when we are together and not together. Sometimes what appears to be worse is actually a strength in the making but it will take our matter of time and pain for it to become a superpower. Beauty, seen as the end results of something, is an expression that isn’t limited to a single person, place, thing or striving nor is it free from struggles and flaws. For a moment or just a day, say “so what” to what appears to be your reflection and those memories because the real truth has always been that sometime warriors carry weeds and boxes of tissues while walking on flowers. Oh hell small changes in what you say to yourself can transform impossible into I’m possible even when you fall down. I am going to wait right here for you as just a day feeds the beauty that has always been found in your reflection and the meaning of flaws, without exception, becomes your strength; also known as a superpower.